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L’identité est en détresse

Qu'on le veuille ou not, la revendication identitaire devient à son tour une «question maudite ». Comme source de violence potentielle, risque latent, menace pour la paix, elle s'est substituéeast aux deux périls qui ont ensanglante le 20 e siècle : le nationalisme et l'idéologie, Nous sommes passes insensiblement d'une politique de l'idéologie à une politique de l'identité. Le danger due north'est pas moindre, mais le changement est d'importance. D'une façon générale, les classifications de jadis, fondées sur le social (riches, pauvres, salaries, patrons), s'effacent cascade laisser identify a des classifications identitaires (religion, sexualité, langue, civilisation).

Un tel glissement est accéléré, répétons-le, par la dislocation des cohésions nationales et fifty'affaiblissement corrélatif des Etats. Or, quand elle est en détresse, l'identité devient guerrière. Contrairement a ce qu'affirme Samuel Huntington, ce durcissement n’à rien avoir avec un «choc des civilisations ». Sa nature est plus profonde, plus intime, transculturelle, pourrait-on dire. 2 tient au fait que fifty'identité, des lors qu'elle veut retrouver sa consistance, south'applique spontanément a designer un ennemi. On rejoint ici les thèses sur la violence du Français Georges Sorel (1847-1922), ou plus nettement encore celles de l'Allemand Carl Schmitt. Dans fifty'un des rares textes publies en français de son vivant, La Notion de politique (1972), ce dernier (qui adhérai a fifty ‘idéologie nazie) l'affirme sans détour: «La distinction spécifique du politique, a laquelle peuvent se ramener les actes et les mobiles politiques, c’est la bigotry de l’ami et de l’ennemie.

Ce passage du livre de Jean Claude Guillebaud m’interpelle beaucoup. Plus j’y pense, plus je pense à ce

Peuple de Maurice dites ‘Creole’ qui se cherche une identité et une reconnaissance.

D’autre part, je tire également un parallèle aux autres communautés dites d’origine indienne qui également se cherchent et ont le besoin de se reconnaitre différents des autres par leur origines, soit de langues et de cultures.

Guillebaud poursuit sa thèse en invoquant le concept de ‘thymos’ : une dimension de la conscience- besoin de reconnaissance, plus proche d’une revendication identitaire.

Dans le monde d’aujourd’hui, je postule une expansion de l’individualité qui a besoin de se reconnaitre comme tel et accepte de moins en moins d’être soumis à une classification identitaire d’antan.

Hélas, je vois que trop souvent le glissement accéléré par la dislocation des cohésions nationales est en railroad train d’opérer dans notre ile.

‘Aussi longtemps que les hommes vivent sans un pouvoir commun qui les tienne tous en respect, ils sont dans cette condition qui se nomme guerre, et cette guerre est gurre de chacun contre chacun’. Thèse de Thomas Hobbes dans ‘le Leviathan’.

Que devons faire pour trouver une nouvelle cohésion ?

‘La subsistance de notre nation, et sa croissance cascade garantir le bien-être de nos enfants’ seraient elle une guerre suffisamment compulsive, qui pourrait galvaniser notre nation pour une cohésion accrue ?

Acanchi- Branding Mauritius

You probably saw on the newspapers that the Authorities of Republic of mauritius has appointment a consultant to brand Mauritius. I tape the last article on L’Express on the 5th February 2009.

Who is this business firm how do they operate? What is their track record?

Nosotros are now in the business of Nation Branding.

By definition, all emerging industries are very creative simply as well very chaotic, and it is hard to notice the trend-setting individuals among the booming chaos. Simply at Nation-Branding we idea it would be interesting to end the 2008 yr with a special feature with some names to a field which is not only rise, but is also somewhat surrounded by secrecy.

I establish of the internet a listing of the 10 almost influential nation building experts and our called good is on the listing.

Fiona Gilmore is one of the leading experts and authors on brands and branding. She co-founded Springpoint, a global brands and corporate identity consultancy, with its headquarters in London. In 2003 she founded the state-branding consultancy Acanchi and has worked in initiatives with the authorities in the Dominican Republic, Lebanese republic, Zambia, Bahrain, the Island of Homo, Lebanon, Republic of mauritius, Wales, Northern Ireland, Belfast, U.k., Hong Kong, and the Bluish Mountains of Commonwealth of australia.

I am reading the publication of the repositioning of Spain by Fiona in 2001.

Well-nigh of the time, you get what you enquire for? I wonder what was asked for in this instance. What were the deliverables asked for by our government?

Permit u.s.a. promise for the all-time.

B 747

4 decades of a flying giant

The very first time I flew in a B747 was one-time in 1970. Air Republic of india for whom I was working for invited me to sample this enormous aircraft compared to the B707, that regularly serviced the Mumbai â€"Republic of mauritius run.

I flew from Mumbai to Delhi on the inaugural flight.

The original Boeing 747 was so large that airports had to be adapted to accommodate it. Hangars were enlarged to fit the tail-fin, while tow-trucks and stairs on the taxiway had to exist changed. The turbofan engines were more than powerful and quieter than jet engines. In that location were 16 wheels â€" twice the normal – to spread the weight.

Passengers in economy grade had a greater sense of space considering at that place were twin aisles and higher storage cabins. Travellers in outset class had admission to a cocktail bar up a screw staircase. Pilots (ii plus a flight engineer) had to be retrained in new simulators because the cockpit was so high off the ground.

Four decades agone, Boeing'south epitome 747 took to the skies over Washington State for a flight lasting some 75 minutes.

The aircraft, named Metropolis of Everett subsequently the location of the manufactory where information technology was manufactured, handled well. And and then was born the shipping which has become an icon of the aviation manufacture and helped bring cheap airline travel to millions of people.

What then made the 747 unique was that information technology was the first "wide body" aircraft – it had more than one aisle. Today this is the norm for most long haul (and some short booty) aircraft. But at the time it was a big step towards reducing any sense of travelling in a narrow tube, and inducing a sense more equivalent to flying in a large room with high ceilings.

Also new was the upper deck, accessed past a spiral staircase. When the aircraft entered service this was initially a rather exclusive bar for first class passengers – today it is more typically used as an additional business or economy class seating expanse.

Air Mauritius for a number of years flew the SP versions of the B747 which were on lease from South African Airways which had autonomy of 14 hours of flying. I of the central factors for the sucess of Mauritius as a preferred sunshine vacation for Europeans was the non finish service offered every bit early on equally the  seventy's past Air Mauritius on a SP B747.

Paul Comarmond

I invite you lot to visit a St Mary’southward school mate’south site. I would have loved to see more than Watercolors from Mauritius!

Are we in Mauritius creating enough opportunity for our artists to prove themselves and reaping income from their art whilst creating the notoriety of the country?

Paul Comarmond

A cocky-taught artist, Paul Comarmond practiced and taught fine art in Mauritius for several years, winning several awards when still a teenager. In one case in North America, he discovered the works of Winslow Homer and other New England watercolorists and this revealed his true calling. Homer’southward works in the Bahamas recalled him of his native land and Maine and Vermont reflected his views of his adoptive land, Ontario.

Fascinated by the possibilities and the challenges of watercolor as well as the chemical science involved in its making, Paul from then on devoted his life to the discovery of the medium. Watercolor remains his favourite art course.

Delacroix said it: “ I have never found transparency such as the one establish in watercolors.” And equally Paul himself puts it: “With no other art form can I obtain such freshness and lightness. There is something extremely sensuous about the fluidity of the water that lay downwardly on newspaper the pigments of color with soft and gentle strokes.”

From May to July, 2004, Paul travelled the islands of the Indian Body of water and he gave a watercolor workshop at Antshow in Antananarivo, Madagascar.
This resulted in “Voyage en mer indienne” a series of 35 watercolours on all the islands of the Indian ocean. He spends two months every yr in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland where he runs watercolour workshops.
An gorging traveler, he has a predilection for places with soul. He chooses to connect at a deeper level with the locals when they have a story to tell.

Family Values

In today’s consequence of Forbes Joel Kotkin writes on the family values of Obama as a model of proper parenting and spirituality for the next generation. In the aforementioned line of thoughts, since my terminal family meeting, both my family unit nucleus and the extended Yiptong family, I lived in December terminal, my quest is on the transmission of family unit values to my grand children.

What are family values?

What exactly makes up a strong family unit that possesses good family values? A strong family unit is one that sustains its members â€" that supports and nourishes the members throughout the span of that family.

What exactly makes up a strong family that possesses skillful family unit values? A family that sustains its members â€" that supports and nourishes the members throughout the span of that family. A stiff family unit creates a safety, positive and supportive place for all members to thrive. They are able to utilise resources and to live together in a fairly healthy manner.

The adults in a strong family set the tone. They are practiced role models that lead past example. They reach out to friends and community and teach their children the importance of doing the same — and that becomes part of who the children are. They work together to solve issues, and they pass their skills on to the next generation. Some important elements of a potent family system are family cohesion, family unit flexibility and family advice.

Cohesion- In families cohesion would exist divers as the feeling of existence loved, of belonging to the group and being nurtured by it. Although closeness is good in a family unit unit of measurement, there must be a residual between being together and beingness separate. A person must be able to develop their individuality, while existence supported and confident inside the family. A few things that bring a family together are the delivery of other family members, and the spending of fourth dimension together.

Flexibility- There must be a structure in a family or information technology will become chaotic and volition non be a peaceful setting for a family. Conversely, there must be flexibility or the family becomes rigid and the authority figures become resented. We could compare a successful family to a democracy. There are leaders, but the whole group is involved in the decision making process. Although the leaders are in charge all members develop the ability to cope with stress, and at times pb. While the family unit works to avoid stressful situations they piece of work together to solve problems, without blaming, criticizing and finding fault with each other. Families that tend to accept a stiff spiritual base seem to accept a sense of well-being that facilitates this working together in times of stress.

Communication- E'er hear the proverb, “What we have hither is a failure to communicate?” A lack of communication can rip a family apart and destroy them. Things that facilitate communication are the things mentioned and then far — family closeness, flexibility, fourth dimension spent together, spirituality. All members must feel a freedom within the grouping to express themselves freely.

Some other very important cistron is the relationship betwixt the “head” couple. In a family that is parented by a happily married couple, people are able to express themselves more freely. What they might say isn’t filtered through the issues of the “guardians.” A happy matrimony seems to set the tone in the business firm. Information technology spills over from the family unit to the customs and a healthy family volition be reaching out to help others. They do not tend to isolate themselves from the balance of the earth.

A very important thing for families to teach their children is how to brand good decisions. If they have watched their parents making well thought out decisions over the years, they will tend to exist proficient decision makers themselves.

A healthy, happy family unit benefits our whole club. Amid the children of potent families at that place is less crime, less divorce and less emotional problems. They tend to proceed and take potent, healthy families of their own, having learned from their folk’s example.

I reproduce here an interview which was conducted this week.

Carl Anderson was in Mexico Metropolis last week to address the 6 Earth Meeting of Families, which was attended by some 10,000 participants. His address Friday was titled "Solidarity and Family."

Anderson took some time to speak with ZENIT about his address on the concept of solidarity, his impressions of the world meet, and what he sees as the greatest challenge for the Christian family today.

Q: The topic of your conference was "Family and Solidarity." Why solidarity?

Anderson: The brusk reply is that'due south the topic they gave me. But this is such an important term for John Paul II. Obviously because of what happened in Poland and in Eastern Europe in the 1980s and 1990s, but more specially I remember as role of his vision of renewal for the Church and for social club.

Understanding that solidarity in the Christian sense is actually understood every bit a communion of beingness for others, and that was so cardinal to John Paul II in terms of the theology of the body and his whole understanding of the homo person as beingness continued to other people. So this is the idea of solidarity in the family, and then the family as a model for the greater society of witnessing communion and solidarity, and living a life for others: first in the family, but and then outside in the community of larger order.

Q: You went from the idea of unity, cartoon on the thought of John Paul Two, then spoke of solidarity, drawing on the thought of Benedict XVI. How did you lot come up to that decision?

Anderson: Well, what'southward and so remarkable to me, although perhaps in the wisdom of Providence it's merely function of what ought to be, [is that] manifestly John Paul II and Benedict 16 are two unlike individuals — they have two different specialties and interests — only there is such a parallel between their two means of thinking. To see Benedict Xvi compliment and build upon this whole idea that John Paul Ii introduced in terms of solidarity, and unity and communion of persons and what that means, and to see Benedict 16 advance information technology and broaden it and deepen information technology, just shows the continuity in Church instruction, and the tradition and life of the Church building. So, information technology is a wonderful thing and I think nosotros are very lucky to have these two great Popes in the history of the Church.

Q: The idea of solidarity in the family seems to be something that happens almost spontaneously. Do yous run across that solidarity as something that is natural in society, but withal something that is disintegrating?

Anderson: I think that one of the most important insights of John Paul 2 is this idea that these are not just ideas, but it's actually built into the very structure of human existence by the Creator as part of his design. If we look at the two great commandments — honey of God and honey of neighbor — honey is built into the very vocation of the human person, at the very center. And therefore information technology shouldn't surprise u.s. that the structure of human existence is designed in such a way to lead us to that kind of relationship with each other. And that is one of the most of import contributions I think that John Paul 2 made to the ongoing teaching of the tradition of the Church, and I think that it's something that we're only now beginning to encounter how important it is and what the broad implications are.

Q: What are the major challenges y'all meet for the family in the The states today?

Anderson: Well, information technology's difficult to know where to begin. Certainly there are the obvious economic, social and cultural pressures. Merely I call up the great challenge that the Christian family faces is to encounter what it ways to be a Christian. What it means to say that Jesus is Lord. And to believe what we say in the Creed, and to live that life kickoff inside the family, and and so outside in greater society. To exist a true witness.

Twoscore years ago, Father Joseph Ratzinger, speaking to a grouping of students, said that what troubles so many Christians more than the question of whether God exists, is the question of whether Christianity makes a distinctive difference — whether there is something new in club that we look around and we can see, resulting from Christianity. And this kind of distinctive witness, I think, is a challenge that Christian families face, fundamentally.

Is there a difference between the secular gild and the mode Christians ally, afford their children, raise their children, educate their children, the way they piece of work, the way they treat their employees, the way they treat their customers and the way they vote? Or is it indistinguishable from the secular society?

If information technology is indistinguishable, then we go back to Father Ratzinger'south corking question, and so what did Jesus Christ bring that was new? So I think that's the challenge of Christian families.

Q: President-elect Barack Obama will be taking office Tuesday. Many in the U.s.a. see his inauguration as a turning point for the country. What practise yous encounter alee for the United States in 2009?

Anderson: I recall much of the printing — present visitor excluded — swings dorsum and forth to extremes. And I retrieve the expectations now for President-elect Obama are very, very high. The challenges that the United States and the world faces are so great that it requires everyone to exist committed to finding solutions and working together to notice solutions that make sense.

Merely, from his entrada rhetoric, especially on family bug, on social issues, on pro-life problems, if he moves forward in that direction, it will present very great challenges to many believers who recognize the sanctity of life, whether they are Catholics or Protestants, or Jews — even nonbelievers, to some extent. Then I remember the expectations are tremendously loftier for the new president, and everybody wishes that he volition detect some way out of many of the economic and foreign policy issues.

Q: One last question. What should someone who is participating physically or spiritually in this event take away from the VI Earth Meeting of Families?

Anderson: The futurity of this order depends upon the family, the future of the family. This is the decisive place of encounter between the Church and culture today. Therefore the witness of Catholic families must be authentic, they must exist very strong, and it must be ane that its surrounding community can see.

And it must exist 1 which reflects, and I call up Pope Benedict has done this in a tremendous way, reflects the joy of being a follower of Jesus Christ, then that people who are non Christians tin can look at the Catholic family and say, that'southward a way of living that I would like to take, that I would like to participate in. It's non a series of no'south, it's a series of yes'south, and it's a joyful way of living, and it'due south a fulfilling fashion of living. And I want to be a part of that.

Mauritius seen past Canadians

Our little island could well be a dream or wish for the Canadians who this week are living severe weather conditions. This is an extract of an article which appeared on the metro news in Toronto 2 days ago.

It’s non every 24-hour interval that you find yourself piloting a scooter through the corals of the due south western Indian Body of water. However, this is exactly how I made my beginning exploration of the azure blue waters of Mauritius â€" on what claims to exist the world’s only underwater “sub-scooter” safari.

While scooter and rider are submerged 3 metres under the surface, a transparent dome over your head is pumped with air for so you can exhale normally and conversation with your co-commuter as you lot navigate through shoals of brightly-coloured fish. (www.bluish-safari.com , based in the resort of G Baie, $183 per couple).

Of course, this is just one way of enjoying the bath water-warm ocean effectually this exquisite volcanic isle. Republic of mauritius is famous for long stretches of soft white sandy beaches, every bit well every bit the band of coral reef around it that creates protected lagoons total of exotic fish.

Should you lot get bored of sunbathing, you can wade into the water with a snorkel. You tin ordinarily see plenty of underwater activity within a few metres of the shore, and well-nigh hotels offering snorkelling trips where they’ll take you to the about fish-crowded areas of the reef. If you’re neat to meet more, diving is spectacular here

If you lot prefer to exist on top of the h2o, there’south surfing, kayaking, pedalo, sailing and even kite surfing, popular with a hip crowd on the western coast.

Another must is deep-sea fishing. Mauritius is ane of the all-time places in the world to fish for marlin, a large and imposing dark bluish fish with a pointed nose. Have a trip with JP Henry Charters, a family-run operation based at the Le Morne Angler’s Lodge on the western coast,  and they’ll send you out with local skippers who will have you lot to the all-time fishing spots, sailing past groups of curious dolphins. They’ll ensure that even amateurs hook a share of argent bonito and perhaps a bright yellow dorado, before you are strapped into the chair to put up a fight with a large 1. Henry encourages a release policy. (www.blackriver-mauritius.com , from $565 for six people).

With most watersports bachelor at your hotel, its no wonder many visitors to Republic of mauritius never get out the grounds. In fact, with luxurious beachfront hotels, with gourmet restaurants, spas and limitless activities, along with fabled weather and hospitality, it’s no wonder people come here for their honeymoons and never encounter the rest of the country.

However, that would be a shame, there is so much more to Republic of mauritius than sea, beach and waving palm trees.

This tiny 2,040-square-kilometre land wasn’t ‘found’ until the 16th century, when it saw a succession of Dutch, then French and British colonisers, bringing with them first slaves from Africa, and so Indian and Chinese labourers. The country became independent in 1968 and remains a stable, prosperous and highly literate nation, with a lively and harmonious mix of cultures and religions.

Abroad from the northern declension, where about of the hotels are based, there is plenty to find. Take a day trip and you tin fit in some of the major sites and get a flavour for Mauritius’ past and the nowadays.

Head towards the capital of Port Louis, and you’ll find Pamplemousse â€" end off and visit the botanical gardens here, with its collection of fabled exotic plants including giant waterlilies given as a souvenir by Britain’south Queen Victoria.

Port Louis is a humming harbour boondocks, where you can visit the buzzing markets and browse for cheap clothing â€" until recently Mauritius was a major player in article of clothing manufacturing.

Heading south, you’ll come beyond Curepipe, the upmarket town where Mauritius’ high lodge resides. Here you’ll also find the Trou aux Cerfs, an extinct volcano, now lush with trees and birdlife, tucked away in the centre of a neighbourhood of 1960s and 1970s bungalows. Continue south and you’ll enter the backbone of verdant countryside, with its valleys, waterfalls including the Alexandra Falls and the Blackness River Gorge, and fields of sugar pikestaff, Victoria pineapple and tea. Highlights here include the Hindu temple at K Bassin, with its sacred lake, and 33-metre high statue chosen the Mangal Mahadev guarded by families of monkeys (www.Gangatalao.org ).

Further forth your route you’ll bulldoze through the Plaine Champagne, named after the tiny white flowers that pepper the route. Stop off to run into the seven coloured earths of Chamarel, a landscape of blueish, dark-green, orangish, royal and yellow.

The s is largely unspoiled past tourism, and well worth exploring. Outset out at the dramatic Le Morne mountain in the southwest, which was used as a shelter by slaves in the 18th century and was recently named a UNESCO Earth Heritage site.

The most exclusive hotels might be on the eastern coast, but our favourite is Tamassa in the southward. This spacious new iv-star blueprint hotel has an upbeat temper and its bright, chic minimalist décor makes a refreshing alter from the formal, colonial feel of many of the other hotels in Republic of mauritius. With swimming pools, spa, kids club and watersports on tap it’southward a popular choice with both honeymooners and families.


As we motility into the Chinese New year menses which this year will exist on the 26th Jan, the rejoicing and joyful parties go on on. Last calendar week terminate, a great dinner party with the relatives was followed the side by side day by the Thanks giving dinner ( Van Shin ) of the Chan clan organised the Oy Kin Sa society. Mon evening was another dandy Peking Duck dinner with my wife’s relatives. I accept to restraint my eating in the face up of such rich and appetising dishes . More delicious dinners are on for the coming weeks!

I posted on my face volume the dishes I had at the Van shin dinner which were typical Hakka dishes: Steam Chicken through Shark fins soup to dried vegetable stew belly pork. Some of my overseas friends on seeing the photos were dying for these dishes. Every bit a dream the flavour and scent were oozing out of the slight blurred pictures and creating induced gastric stimulation of the stomach. From Norway: "all smells very good, but pictures are a lilliputian blurry."From Montreal Canada: comment well-nigh your photo in the album "Chinese Hakka meal @ King Palace":"ayo to faire moi gagne faim!"

Mauritius viewed from New Zealand

Seeing our island from the perspective of a Newzelander is an interesting experience. I invite you lot to read a press commodity written by Heather Ramsay last thursday. Plainly there are resemblances between Mauritius and New Zealand !

I take also learnt from the article the links between Tasmania and our dear island.

In 1642 Abel Tasman chosen at Mauritius on his way to "discovering"
Tasmania and New Zealand, only despite these parallels, it doesn't take us long to realise that Republic of mauritius isn't an Indian Ocean version of home.

Saint Geran

On the dawn of 17th Baronial 1744, the Saint Geran , a majestic vessel under the command of Captain Delamere appeared in the North of the island. It was its first trip in the region.

Six months earlier, that is, on the 24th March, several passengers boarded the vessel at the port of Lorient, along with cargo which included windmills ordered past Mahe de Labourdonnais for Villebague Sugar Estate, situated about Pamplemousses.

All of a sudden, at two in the morning, the send was violently shaken. The warning rang. Everybody, some however asleep, rushed outside on the deck. They were terrified by what they saw. The main mast was broken, crushing the lifeboats nether its weight. Merciless waves had split the vessel into two. The passengers knelt to pray, the crew fabricated a raft, which rapidly sank with its victims.

There were only nine survivors inspired past the tragic plight of these lovers, Bernardin de Saint Pierre wrote “Paul et Virginie” in 1787.This novel which vents the charms of the tropic has become over the years, the symbol of beloved and allegiance.

C’est un navire dont les Mauriciens ont toujours partagé avec fierté les secrets, surtout quand Bernardin de Saint Pierre l’immortalisa dans son roman « Paul et Virginie «.

Armé de 23 canons, avec united nations tirant d’eau de 600 tonneaux, il fut lancé à Lorient le 11 Juillet 1736 le capitaine Laurent du plessis lui fit prendre la mer pour son premier voyage de Lorient à Pondicherry le 11 novembre 1739. Par la suite, il fut commandé par le Capitaine Poréeastward de la Toche.

Le Saint Geran devait faire naufrage le 17 août 1744 au Nord de l’île de France, aujourd’hui appelée Maurice. Ce fut le Capitaine Richard de Lamarre qui accompagna le SAINT GERAN vers son destin, avec à son bord un équipage de 149 hommes, 13 passagers, ainsi que plusieurs esclaves.

Energie renouvelable

Je note avec une grande joie l’annonce d’une intention louable et un objectif qui se dirige vers un développement durable. Cela a paru sur l’limited du dimanche 23 Nov.

Exploiter l’énergie en abondance qu’est le soleil pour le convertir en Electricité. La technologie existe et elle est déjà exploitéeast dans des nombreux pays. Il se poserait le problème de rentabilité ? Peut-on produire au jour hui une unité d’électricité au même prix que produise la CEB par ses centrales de production ? Quel sera le prix de rachat que la CEB offrira qui inciteront les individus à investir dans un tel projet ? Doit on que voir une rentabilité cascade la CEB dans le présent ? Et quid de notre émission en CO2 dans les centrales thermiques ? A-t-on la volonté politique de mettre en chantier l’exploitation des sources énergétiques propres et not polluantes ?

Nous devons donc encourager ce projet. Je suis pour un retour sur investissement sur les panneaux voltaïques égal au taux bancaire de l’épargne.

■L’objectif de Chavansingh Dabeedin

Pour la première fois depuis sept ans, c’est un membre issu du personnel même du Central Electricity Board (CEB) qui a été nommé directeur général de cette organisation. Installé à ce poste alors que la question de l’énergie préoccupe le monde entier, c’est à juste titre que Chavansingh Dabeedin s’est fixé comme principal objectif l’exploitation de toutes les sources d’énergie renouvelable disponibles à Maurice. En tête de lice figurent les énergies éolienne, hydraulique, solaire et celle produite à partir de la bagasse. « Pourquoi pas inclure dans nos priorités, l’exploitation du créneau de l’énergie renouvelable produite par les individus et dont le surplus pourrait être vendu au CEB et basculé sur le réseau national ? »


Source: http://www.josephyiptong.com/category/uncategorized/mauritius/page/4/

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