Why Do I Need to Install Hots Again

gravity hot water system

Gravity hot h2o system | This is the top of a gas water heater. The hot water leaves the tank on the left side. The recirculating loop pipage re-enters the tank down at the drain valve beneath.

Gravity Hot H2o System TIPS

  • Like shooting fish in a barrel to install in ranch homes with a basement or crawl space
  • Works using the magic of convection - no electricity or pump needed
  • WATCH alternative pump video below
  • Bask hot water instantly at all fixtures
  • CLICK Hither to Get Tim's Costless & FUNNY Newsletter!

Gravity Hot Water Recirculating System

"A gravity hot water system works because the heated water, which is lighter, rises through the loop. As the water cools at the end of the loop where the last part of the loop is non insulated, it is thermo-siphoned back into the hot water heater."

Love TIM: I am not a big fan of cold showers. I have to wait 15 - 20 seconds each morning for hot water to arrive in my shower.

It seems like a terrible waste of water and coin. Is there a way to avert this?

Can something be done to my ranch house? Is it possible for a DIY'r to accomplish the remedy? H. O.

DEAR H.O.: Brrrrrr! I know the feeling.

Common cold Showers Non Acceptable

Cold showers are a bummer. Guess what? We can solve your trouble with a unproblematic gravity hot water recirculating loop. They're effective, cheap and easy to install.

Do You Waste material H2o?

Commencement, however, I desire to put into perspective the waste matter situation. Clean water is a natural resources and should not be wasted if you're getting it from a municipal water system.

Until your loop is operational, why non capture the shower water with a bucket? Employ it to water plants or to fill your washing machine.

Complimentary & Fast BIDS

CLICK Here to get FREE & FAST BIDS from local plumbers who can install a gravity hot water loop for you!

What is the Bodily Cost of Wasted H2o?

The cost of the wasted water is minuscule. Let's presume you pay just one.5 cents for each cubic foot of water (that was my rate when I wrote this column).

If you have 25 feet of three/four inch water pipe between your hot h2o heater and the shower, you waste .076 cubic feet of water each morning or $0.001178.

It would take 849 showers for you to waste matter $1.00 worth of h2o. Go along that in heed if yous choose a fancy way to solve your problem.

Recirculating Pump Alternative

If you lot don't desire to install the bodily loop, and want hot water at your plumbing equipment instantly, y'all can install a overnice pump that does what a gravity loop will do.

These pumps piece of work on timers and move hot h2o through the arrangement when you recollect you lot'll need it. They have a special valve that connects under a sink and then in that location'due south NO Water Waste material.

The cooled h2o in the hot water line is pumped back into the cold water line as shortly as the pump fires up. When hot water reaches the special bypass valve the valve shuts off then hot water is non wasted.

hot water recirculating pump

This is a reliable recirculating pump you can install on elevation of your water heater. The weird threaded fitting goes under the sink that's uttermost away from the pump. CLICK THE IMAGE Now TO ORDER THIS PUMP.

Recirculating Pump Video

Watch this brusque video to show where the pump is installed and the special bypass valve.

Customer Reviews About My Gravity Loop

"I phoned you well-nigh my gravity loop that I recently installed. You clearly indicated what I did wrong. I had the theory and connections right, merely the wrong pipe size. I used 1/4 inch copper tubing for the return loop. As you know, information technology did non work. Per your data I increased it to 3/4 inch pipe. You lot said 1/2 inch might work, but I didn't desire to accept the chance. Bingo! - Information technology works beyond what I had hoped for - Instant Hot Water." Bob Chartier, Westland, MI

CLICK Hither to set up a telephone call with master plumber and founder of AsktheBuilder.com - Tim Carter!

# # #

"I remodeled virtually a year ago and read this cavalcade on gravity loops. Nosotros installed the loop and it works fantastically. There is instant, well almost, hot water on the far end of the firm. I would not accept believed something and so simple could work so well....." Paul Wiegert

Are Recirculating Loops a New Idea?

Hospitals, hotels, motels and other large buildings have used hot water recirculating loops for years. Some of these loops utilize electric recirculating pumps while others use gravity.

Based upon the fact that your water heater is in the basement of your abode, Mother Nature is going to practise the work for gratis!

How Does the Gravity Hot Water Arrangement Work?

A gravity hot h2o system works because the heated h2o, which is lighter, rises through the loop. As the water cools at the cease of the loop where the last part of the loop is not insulated, information technology is thermo-siphoned dorsum into the hot water heater.

The h2o enters the bottom of the heater at the drain valve inlet. This menstruum of water is slow but constant.

Where Must the H2o Heater Exist Located?

The h2o heater must exist located at the bottom of the loop. Ranch houses and two-story houses with basements are perfect candidates. Houses built on slabs or that have hot water lines below the water heater must use a simple in-line recirculating pump.

Finish The Loop

All you need to complete your loop is a return water line from the far cease of your hot water line. Locate the finish of your existing hot water line.

Cut into the piping at this location where the piping in the basement turns up to go into the fixture on the first floor. Install a tee fitting in place of the 90-caste fitting.

Ane part of the tee will let you lot to reconnect to the hot water line. The other portion of the tee plumbing equipment volition be the start of the render loop dorsum to the water heater.

Of import TIP: Practice not subtract the size of the return loop pipe. The organisation will work best if you utilize iii/4-inch diameter pipe. One-half-inch tubing may piece of work, just don't have the chance.

Drain Water Heater

Turn off your water heater's power supply before you start this projection. This is particularly true if yous heat water with electricity. If a heating chemical element is on and not surrounded past water in the tank, it immediately burns upwardly.

Then turn off the water leading to the water heater. Drain the hot water heater and remove the drain valve by turning counterclockwise.

CLICK HERE to get Gratis & FAST BIDS from local plumbers who tin can install a gravity hot h2o loop for yous!

Remove Drain Valve - Install Tee and Banality Bleed

Install a dielectric union or insulating nipple in place of the valve. This will to reduce corrosion possibilities if you are working with copper or galvanized atomic number 26 water lines.

The adjacent stride is to install a tee fitting at the base of operations of the heater. The loop pipe connects to one part of the tee and yous'll install a new boiler bleed out of the other part then you can drain the heater in the hereafter.

Insulate 98% Of The Loop

To save free energy and have the loop function, you must insulate the loop as it leaves the tiptop of the water heater. The insulation must starting time inches above where the hot water line leaves the h2o heater and must continue along the entire loop as it makes its mode through the house and starts its trip back to the h2o heater.

In new construction insulate all of the hot water supply pipe up to each fixture.

Terminal 15 Feet - NO INSULATION

Practise non insulate the concluding 15 feet of pipe as it gets near the heater. This pipe must be uncovered and then the h2o cools. This cooling of the h2o is what powers the gravity convection engine that makes the hot water flow slowly towards through the loop.

Foam insulation is bachelor which will slide over the pipe as you install information technology. You tin can also cull to use pre-molded fiberglass with a protective coating. The cream insulation is much more than user friendly. Remember, to ensure good performance get out insulation off of the last 15 feet of loop pipage every bit it returns to the heater.

Flapper Cheque Valve

If the loop fails to work, water may be flowing backwards through the system from the water heater. You can stop this with a check valve. Install a check valve in the uninsulated part of the loop about 5 feet away from the bottom of the water heater.

You MUST use a flapper-blazon check valve, not a bound-loaded one. Bound-loaded check valves will non work and cake the tedious trickle of water through the loop.

Drill a 1/eight-Inch Hole

Drill a 1/8 inch pigsty through the flapper and so that a small amount of water can menses back to the heater to maintain circulation of the water within the loop. If the loop doesn't seem to work well, slowly increment the diameter of this hole just do non exceed i/four inch bore.

Modernistic Heater Oestrus Traps!

If you're installing a new water heater, you lot need to remove a pesky device installed to go on oestrus in a heater. Many modern heaters have a heat trap device at the top of the hot water outlet. These are small flapper check valves that terminate hot water from drifting up the hot water line when the hot water is not being used. Remove the heat trap device to become the gravity loop to work.

CLICK Hither to get Gratuitous & FAST BIDS from local plumbers who tin can install a gravity hot water loop for you!

Column 147


Source: https://www.askthebuilder.com/gravity-hot-water-recirculating-loops/

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